
Thursday, February 13, 2020

5th Grade 50:50 portraits

Hello My Amazing Artists!

I am so proud of these 5th graders. They worked hard to truly observe, measure, and draw what they saw not what they thought. The final steps included shading and background details. These were done in just 3 classes. These are more amazing in real life.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

2nd Grade Royal Selfies

Hello My Amazing Artists!

Second grade worked hard to make these mixed media royal self portraits. They mixed paint to create their skin tone and used observation skills to include facial features and hair color.  We then used the Chatterpix app to create royal identities and animate the pictures.

King Matt

King Vacation

Queen Amber


King Frozo

Queen Maria

King Liam

King Minecraft

Queen Black

King Mars

Queen Rose

Queen Gallop

King Universe

Queen Galaxy

King Venus

Queen Pearl

Master Ninja

King Moon

Queen Elsa

King Universe

King Gamer

King Candy