
Monday, November 4, 2019

3rd Grade: cd weaving

Hello My Amazing Artists!

3rd graders love to weave. This project used old blank cds and yarn. Students carefully wrapped a piece of string around the cd (through the middle and back around) to create the weft of their cd "loom". Then they wove yarn - over, under, over, under - until the cd was filled. These look so cool as they move and catch the light.   **Donations of blank cds are welcomed**

4th Grade: Jack-o'-lanterns

Hello My Amazing Artists!

Fourth graders finished these ceramic Jack-o'-lanterns. The students made two pinch pots of equal size then joined them to make a hollow sphere using correct "scratch and slip".  They added stems, leaves and indentations to make the pumpkin sections.  The next class, the students sketched possible faces then carefully carved them, making sure they didn't squish their pumpkins. After they dried and went through the kiln, the students were able to glaze. Once more in the kiln and TA DA: amazing pumpkins.