
Friday, March 29, 2019

2nd Annual OQS Art Show

Hello My Amazing Artists.

The Second Annual student art show was a huge success. There were over 400 pieces of student art on display. The kids picked 2 pieces that they felt best reflected their work or something they were really proud of. It was a fantastic night. The art will be up on the walls until April vacation (if the tape still sticks!). If you missed the show, here are some pictures.

The art is color coded:
- Green background paper : 5th grade
- Orange background paper  : 4th grade
- Yellow background paper : 3rd grade
- Red background paper : 2nd grade
- Blue background paper : 1st grade
- Brown background paper : Kindergarten

Also be sure to follow us on Facebook - Ottauquechee School Art Room. I'm much quicker about posting projects there.

Third grade rainbow weaving