
Monday, October 8, 2018

Busy Kindergarteners

Hello My Amazing Artists!

Kindergarten sure has been busy these past few weeks.

We took dots to a new level with our exciting printmaking project. We read Eric Carle's The Hungry Caterpillar and talked about the colors found in all the pictures. The artists then used balloons (!) to make dots which became the bodies of our Hungry Caterpillars. The artists also thought about how to draw grass - individual lines with more than one color. Then we added faces and antennae to make these wonderful caterpillars.

Make your mark and see where it takes you...

Hello My Amazing Artists!

It was great to see many of you at the recent open house. You probably noticed all the DOTS. 

This was a school wide unit about exploring and seeing what happens based on the book The Dot by Peter Reynolds. We focused on the attitude of "see where it takes you". All the students were then tasked to explore by making dots and creating layers of interest.

Here's what happened: